Good morning forums (current)

I’ll stab my eyes and remove them so they can never hurt again :nod:

…That’s probably why lol.

Blue light irritates your eyes and it gets tired after a while so…

no no no :no_entry_sign:

yes yes yes :white_check_mark:

Dw it’ll be fun

no, no it won’t

Yes, yes it will :slight_smile:

vik is a masochist???

lies and deceit

Aand I’ve killed the thread, sorry ;-;.

Oh well, seriously you should probably stop using the phones/devices so late in the night especially when it’s dark.

You need sleep to function and uh…frankly it ain’t good for you.

Nah, I love this sort of stuff, fr

I probably won’t actually go after my eyes specifically though so dw

So Ima still worry, especially after you say that lmao


Please don’t hurt yourself e.e

But I want to :frowning:


welp do what you want, just don’t die or go into a coma.

or get sick

A post was split to a new topic: Mako hehe compilation

Hey, macobre, give Mako the title ‘hehe’


oh my

Aye aye cap’n

Have a like, and exactly-


;-; i ran outta likes

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