Good morning forums (current)

Bold of you to assume I’m not over 10 million years old :mariomug:

Hehe 10PM would be considered average sleep time in my opinion.

You wake up at almost midnight? :fr:

no- that’s when i go to sleep silly. nowadays i wake up at 10 or 11am

I was about to be very confused

What is the longest y’all have slept?

i dunno
it’s just the time we wake up
95% of the time i’m woken i’m super groggy and i don’t feel like doing anything

i slept for about uh 12 hours that one time both my parents were away

43 hours

11 hours

Mine was 19 hours.

For real?

Probably ~12 hours, from 3am to 3pm or something similar, but that’s still pretty rare.

Don’t ask how or why

I call bullshit on that

the time when I stayed up all night I slept from 3PM to 7PM then from 9PM to 7AM

Hangovers can do shit :fr:

h o w

Oh yeah you are in college.

rose that’s called a coma

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