Good partners for poison?

just do what you want. I’m doing a shadow earth paladin anyways :man_shrugging: it doesn’t need to synergize to be fun.


Poison will remain bitchless fr

I think you meant lightning

poison gets all the bitches

(just look on wiki for synergies if and pick one depending what style you go like heavy hitter or jet striker)

okay but we can agree that the most bitchless magic is wind

or shadow

sorry @anon82052662


shadow magic has one good usage and it’s being incredibly effective woman repellent



is this why i dont get bitches

This is why you dont get BITCHES!!!

also I need something that can counter wind users (or at least give me an easier time dealing with them while still working with poison logically and beneficially)

Genuine question but have you played AA, AR, or WoM at all?

I played too much WoM for my own good

never touched AA

got bored of AR mainly cuz I didn’t have any idea of where to go or what to do

What magic did you choose in WoM?

literally all of them.

unlocked their spells and would just mess around with em for a bit.

idk I never really settled with one.

Ahh that explains everything

yup :fr:

and I still feel lostish

poison seems fun though

just worried wind is slightly too OP and will kinda body it

Just don’t decide and wait until AO, you might enjoy only fighting styles more or only weapons or you might find a magic to stick with due to new changes.

Also not everybody is choosing ONE specific thing (in this case wind magic) so it shouldn’t impact any decision when choosing stuff once AO arrives

acid kinda counts as poison right?


it’s just liquidified?