Good partners for poison?

Not really but you can view it as such, the main point of magics is how you imagine them with stats just altering how you’ll fight with them

I think this looks nice I thought about it last night:

:poison_magic_var1: :plasma_magic_var2: :explosion_magic:

basically, thematically it’s kinda some superhot gas synergy, but in combat, I can petrify and deal with wind opponents much easier (since scorched cannot be cleared by wind)

also what looks nicer red plasma or purple plasma

normally red is better but since poison is purple there might be an exception

Gamma plasma in ao doesn’t look like horseshit like it did in wom

I’ll need to think about it…

It’s complete subjective so it’s your choice, or just flip a coin

I’m gonna go for poison.

and I have no idea what my second should be.

mages on top of that also have the burden of choosing a third magic too.


this one seems interesting however…

:poison_magic_var1: :wood_magic_var1: :acid_magic_var2:

some kind of venomous/deadly plant synergy, and it works well since wood procs bleed now AND synergises neatly with acid.

depends on how wood looks though, if it doesn’t look like some kind of plant/root thing and is just earth’s attacks with a wood texture, I might drop it.

but eh time will tell.

or I could just ask my mate @Cryonical

does wood look like, woodish? or roots?/branches?


:poison_magic_var1: :plasma_magic_var1: :explosion_magic:


superhot poison synergy

I guess this could be napalm too… :thinking:

nah superhot poison sounds cooler

one question though, it says that when the clouds get ignited, it changes the damage of the clouds to the caster.


what if I am the caster? do I still not take damage or do I cause the clouds to damage me?

also rate the synergy for pvp please and thanksss

you wont take damage from your own clouds but if another plasma user were to hit your poison clouds then your clouds would hurt you and not them

so if i ignite them, I won’t get hurt right?

also how good is it of a synergy overall?

also I might be a conjurer on second thought and just use 2 magics, the idea of needing to use 3 sounds too much :face_with_spiral_eyes:


okay so it’s not earth but reskinned


rate it out of 10 in terms of looks


So the shockwave could look like the roots of a tree branching out? And the beam looks like a stretched branch?

I saw a poison leak in the villainy showcase just now, and I am kinda worried it’s a bad pick.

I love the magic but will wind body it too hard?

Wind always bodied poison hard
One magic counter ain’t that bad

yeah but most magics don’t have a superhard counter against them :cold_sweat:

I mean I guess worst case acid is always up my alley

that’s still poison(ish)

You have 3 magics my guy