well, I’m taking that over whatever spamton bullshit is going on with kamala
we vote Kamala and we won’t have a president I’m gonna be fr
well, I’m taking that over whatever spamton bullshit is going on with kamala
we vote Kamala and we won’t have a president I’m gonna be fr
It’s more like the chip-bag representing the democratic side has been completely eaten and all that’s left is a few crumbs while the republican side has a bag that doesn’t taste very good but at least it’s better than nothing
found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records, and he has some other unsavoury accusations with him like being close with epstein apparently
damn, rough.
why can’t we just have good candidates dawg
This is America
To be fair, Epstein was with a lot of people in high places.
i don’t have time to read any of the articles right now, but just looking at the titles that come up in a quick google search it seems they might’ve been especially close, though i could be wrong since i don’t have time to read them in full
My king
Acting like that shits going to affect me when I become a creature of the woods
trust me move to canada its so much better than the US
here in canada we like to give our enemies canned foods as a gesture of kindness
The choice was between a convicted felon and someone who’s never held a consistent or reasoned opinion for more than a year.
I hate this country’s politics.
And then the US invades Canada
Mods ban this kid he doesn’t know what the electoral college is
If Kamala got her way she would open all international borders(Mainly Mexico)
This feels like one of those stupid would you rather questions you see youtubers ask random strangers
risk the freedoms and lives of LGBTQ?
open up all borders and let immigrants (and crime and whatever else) flood America?
neither of these options are good.
what the SIGMA
You woke up to quite the surprise eh?