Got any halloween pfps?

Pretty self explanatory
Basically just share your halloween pfp if you got one. Or don’t. I’m not forcing you.



I did try but we can’t change our username apparently…

hells yeah man I really enjoy looking at and making seasonal versions of pfps, I dunno why

maybe it’s a desperate effort to hold on to my childhood enjoyment of holidays

pfp pfp halloween


Asian don’t do halloween (Just in my place)

so I have no halloween pfp

Asian don’t do Halloween ( in my place)

so I have no Halloween pfp

Same fam :facepunch::pensive:
Here halloween is “celebrated” with some relevant ads on TV

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ok how you do a hallowen pfp

Take your current pfp and add something spooky to it. For example Color it orange or something.

Also here’s mine

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I can’t find anyone “spooky” Space images

I mean, black holes are scary?


uh,but what editor i use?
also how i download my profile picture lol

Idk look one up, or just add a pumpkin face using markup like I did

Usually I use something as simple as paint or gimp

right,but how i download things like my pfp to edit it later?

…uh download from what
Do you have your pfp on your computer in the first place?

Here image

welp ok thanks

found this pretty spooky skull-like image of the Rosette nebula, i guess it works.