Icylla, SoldForth40 and starlight432112 were never seen again…
one of their members is in gravy custody, blud
they’re about to fail this heist
didn’t bring enough healing cauldrons
They gathering like it’s Marineford
The glorious Navy at its finest!
Also I need this gif bruh
aight lemme just put it on repl.it
it’ll take a bit though
i just used screentogif to record the gif
The Castello Heist
please oh i beg of you to use a good soundtrack like Payday 2 Official Soundtrack - #57 Death Row (Assault) - YouTube
With Rasna, Links, Tiberius and WOlf
Neviro: Hey, the Flare Magic, go use it.
Remember the magic council (high) theme from WoM? Yeah, this is the right time in AO to play it.
How do clans join like this…
“You’re up against the wall and I’M THE ING WALL!”
-vitality hybrid gn player, probably
“You call this resisting arrest?we call this a difficulty tweak”
-High agility build