Great PVP Guide Video



Fire vid, actually manages to make PVP look quite fun

I like the part where he points out that punishes are a lot more important than good aim, if even NPCs with their comedically good aim can’t hit a moving target with spear throw then you shouldn’t expect to either.

that’s crazy bro

Crazy? I was crazy once; they put me in a room; a rubber room; a rubber room with rats. Why rats? Cause rats make me crazy! Speaking of crazy; did you know I was crazy once? They put me in a room; a rubber room; a rubber room with rats. Why rats? I think rats make me crazy. Oh yeah. on the topic being crazy did you know me of all people happened to be crazy once? They put me in a rat; a rubber rat; a rubber rat with rooms. Why rooms? Wait why was the rat rubber that’s just crazy. A while ago I was crazy. They put me in a rat; a rat rubber; a room rubber with Roombas. Roombas make me spin like crazy. I wonder if i was every crazy once. Maybe they would put me in a rubber; a Roomba rubber; a Roomba rubber with roomy rats. But that would just be crazy.


why isn’t it working for you guys it displays just fine for me

likely blocked by admin because its a school’s property. mine does it sometimes. luckily im on break

with sufficient size you can use spear throw to punish someone touching the ground :+1:

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