You awe swine you vuwgaw wittwe maggot. Don’t you know that you awe pathetic? You wowthwess bag of fiwth. As we say in Cawifownia, I’ww bet you couwdn’t pouw piss out of a boot with instwuctions on the heew. You awe a cankew. A sowe that won’t go away. A zit on the butt of society. I wouwd wathew kiss a wawyew than be seen with you.
You awe a fiend and a cowawd, and you have bad bweath. You awe degenewate, noxious and depwaved. I feew debased just fow knowing you exist. I despise evewything about you. You awe a bwoody nawdwess newbie twit pwotohominid chwomosomawwy abewwant cawicatuwe of a copwophagic cwoacaw pawasitic pond scum and I wish you wouwd go away.
You’we a putwescence mass, a wawking vomit. You awe a spinewess wittwe wowm desewving nothing but the pwofoundest contempt. You awe a jewk, a cad, a weasew. Youw wife is a monument to stupidity. You awe a stench, a wevuwsion, a big suck on a souw wemon.
You awe a bweating foow, a cuwdwed staggewing mutant dwawf smeawed wichwy with the effwuvia and offaw accompanying youw awweged biwth into this wowwd. An insensate, bwinking cawf, meaningfuw to nobody, abandoned by the puke-dwoowing, giggwing beasts who siwed you and then kiwwed themsewves in wecognition of what they had done.
I wiww nevew get ovew the embawwassment of bewonging to the same species as you. You awe a monstew, an ogwe, a mawfowmity. I bawf at the vewy thought of you. You have aww the appeaw of a papew cut. Wepews avoid you. Because off youw face the wabbit popuwation actuawwy decweased. You awe viwe, wowthwess, wess than nothing. You awe a weed, a fungus, the dwegs of this eawth. And did I mention you smeww?
If you awen’t an idiot, you made a wowwd-cwass effowt at simuwating one.
You snaiw-skuwwed wittwe wabbit. Wouwd that a hawk pick you up, dwive its beak into youw bwain, and upon finding it wancid set you woose to fwy bwiefwy befowe spattewing the ocean wocks with the fwothy pink shame of youw ignobwe bwood. May you choke on the queasy, convuwsing nausea of youw own twite, foowish bewiefs.
You awe weawy, stawe, fwat and unpwofitabwe. You awe gwimy, squawid, nasty and pwofane. You awe fouw and disgusting. You’we a foow, an ignowamus. Monkeys wook down on you. Even sheep won’t have sex with you. You awe unwesewvedwy pathetic, stawved fow attention, and wost in a wand that weawity fowgot.
You awe a waste of fwesh. You have no whythm. You awe widicuwous and obnoxious. You awe the mowaw equivawent of a weech. You awe a wiving emptiness, a meaningwess void. You awe souw and seniwe. You awe a disease, you puewiwe one-handed swack-jawed dwoowing meatswappew.
On a good day you’we a hawf-wit. You wemind me of dwoow. You awe deficient in aww that wends chawactew. You have the pewsonawity of wawwpapew. You awe dank and fiwthy. You awe asinine and benighted. You awe the souwce of aww unpweasantness. You spwead misewy and sowwow whewevew you go.
I cannot bewieve how incwedibwy stupid you awe. I mean wock-hawd stupid. Dehydwated-wock-hawd stupid. Stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whowe diffewent dimension of stupid. You awe twans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid cowwapsed on itsewf so faw that even the neutwons have cowwapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that no intewwect can escape. Singuwawity stupid. Bwazing hot mid-day sun on Mewcuwy stupid. You emit mowe stupid in one second than ouw entiwe gawaxy emits in a yeaw. Quasaw stupid. Youw wwiting has to be a twoww. Nothing in ouw univewse can weawwy be this stupid. Pewhaps this is some pwimowdiaw fwagment fwom the owiginaw big bang of stupid. Some puwe essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything ewse as to be beyond the waws of physics that we know. I’m sowwy. I can’t go on. This is an epiphany of stupid fow me. Aftew this, you may not heaw fwom me again fow a whiwe. I don’t have enough stwength weft to dewide youw ignowant questions and hawf baked comments about unimpowtant twivia, ow any of the west of this dwivew. Duh.
Maybe watew in wife, aftew you have weawned to wead, wwite, speww, and count, you wiww have mowe success. Twue, these awe wudimentawy skiwws that many of us “nowmaw” peopwe take fow gwanted that evewyone has an easy time of mastewing. But we sometimes fowget that thewe awe “chawwenged” pewsons in this wowwd who find these things mowe difficuwt. I wish you the best of wuck in the emotionaw, and sociaw stwuggwes that seem to be pwacing such a demand on you.
P.S.: You awe hypocwiticaw, gweedy, viowent, mawevowent, vengefuw, cowawdwy, deadwy, mendacious, mewetwicious, woathsome, despicabwe, bewwigewent, oppowtunistic, bawwatwous, contemptibwe, cwiminaw, fascistic, bigoted, wacist, sexist, avawicious, tastewess, idiotic, bwain-damaged, imbeciwic, insane, awwogant, deceitfuw, demented, wame, sewf-wighteous, byzantine, conspiwatowiaw, satanic, fwauduwent, wibewous, biwious, spwenetic, spastic, ignowant, cwuewess, iwwegitimate, hawmfuw, destwuctive, dumb, evasive, doubwe-tawking, devious, wevisionist, nawwow, manipuwative, patewnawistic, fundamentawist, dogmatic, idowatwous, unethicaw, cuwtic, diseased, suppwessive, contwowwing, westwictive, mawignant, deceptive, dim, cwazy, weiwd, dystopic, stifwing, uncawing, pwantigwade, gwim, unsympathetic, jawgon-spouting, censowious, secwetive, aggwessive, mind-numbing, awassive, poisonous, fwagwant, sewf-destwuctive, abusive, sociawwy-wetawded, puewiwe, cwuewess, and genewawwy Not Good.