Grimmjow Cosplay


he doesnt had 6 extra fingers on the photo

He has claws in his ressurecion (power mode thingy)

As a Bleach enjoyer I approve

Only bad part is getting Sonido (tp reflex) would make my build worse, and knight already sucks

Do you already have about 100 agility? If so you should be able to get teleport dodges with a perfect agility potion.

Bro vetex need to add bankai i been saying this

Also type soul pvp is more fun then ao currently not impossible to top thoe imma give ao like 1 more year and its pvp is probably fun asl

reviving this thread specifically to point out this absolutely HORRID, ATROCIOUS, DISGUSTING take

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warlock jacket might be better (whats the open one?)

also i kinda wanna take this. ellius gear prob. or calvus

bro revived the thread just to spout utter nonsense

Are you actually saying type shit PvP is better than ao

yes, regardless of how shit the rest of the game is the pvp is actually quite enjoyable unlike 3d aim sim with janky parrying that is ao

If you like
Type soul:
Moving to deepwoken forever because type souls PvP is quite literally just worse deepwoken:

my only issue with deep is progression, i just can’t progress cause i get wiped

Type souls progression is also dogshit, but that doesn’t stop people

Deepwoken requires a lot of guides to be understandable, and I’d heavily recommend figuring out a shrineless build to go for

yea type souls isn’t much better (i went for vasto and now i need true vasto)

but if you are quincy or shinigami it’s not that bad u just quest beater. its still bad progression but it is fairly easy compared to deepwoken.

I got to power 20 before verse 2 and that was my highest, i also only stayed at lower erisia. i still only stay at lower erisia but have half the elements unlocked. Unfortunately i can’t grind for the builds and i will just end up wiped by the time i get to shrine of conflict

Pro tip; trust nobody. If you see someone approaching you, log. If you see somebody hiding from you, log. If you see ANYONE doing ANYTHING that could even IMPLY they have malicious intent, log.

Deepwokens players can hurt you far more than they can help you

(Also if you have positive rep with etrea, the hive, knives of eylis, and authority then voidwalkers can’t hunt you)

Basically start as a void walker and donate wood, if i have void walker (i was power 3 and was hunted by a max level and lived)