Guess a forumer's appearance/voice/name/country thread

caucasian, average height, dark hair, likes sweatpants, has a cat named onion or something.

14, wears glasses, dark curly hair, acne covered, nerd voice

this is known as “self projection”

Nah that’s just u. U bitch and whine all day I only see this as typical


I haven’t complained about much recently at all :confused:

this has truly been a :mirror: :film_projector: emoji moment

Well I haven’t been really active on the forums in over a month since I have a life (crazy)

And also I tend to avoid this place since this place is a cringe generator and gives me second hand embarrassment. Not you, though.

I really don’t understand where all this aggression is coming from

what’s got you stuck in such a rut

I’m not being aggressive tf?
This is just my natural way of communicating.
I apologize if it came off that way.



It’s all good :hugs:

Well, I have no idea

The mysterious man…

Ima say tall dark hair and prolly like horror and stuff.

Dark hair is correct but not horror

enjoys watching the office

You’re an Asian male of middling height, with darker hair, brown eyes, a mole on your left cheek, a twitch in your right eye, a zipcode of 65241, an abnormality in your 15th chromosome, and with your ring finger slightly longer than your pointer. Your zodiac sign is a Libra (kill me), and you plan to get a degree in software development and in French.

How much did I get right?:blush:


i feel like you look like a stock image of a man in their 20’s

A very young markiplier copy

You’re that one Slingshot skin from Phighting.