Guess a forumer's appearance/voice/name/country thread

10% was right

me :fish:

As someone who is actually diagnosed with adhd it is genuinely frustrating seeing these fuckers try and make it a personality quirk and not a mental disorder


you on any of that adhd zaza?

ritalin is trippy first time you take it

I was but not anymore because it was crazy shit (I did not eat)

it just killed my cardio for a good while but side effects differ ig

It was probably a different one but I don’t remember which

So there’s a chance you are Putin?

i am putin rn

therapists when the girl with blue hair and 12 mental problems (7 of those she made up) walks into the room:

Therapists when OMORI fans walk in the room:

As a OMORI fan…can confirm.

as omori fans say…

the depression is chronic, the beat is iconic :sunglasses:

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As what i’ve learned from the OMORI fandom…
The darker the game, the sillier the fandom.
This saying also applies to Project Moon games.

the opposite applies to this too… :fearful:

Guess my name/voice/appearance

your voice is probably somewhat deep and you have brown-ish hair

Now we already know what Cryonical looks like from an old topic.

We can conclude that:

  • Your name is Antiantartica
  • You look like this

Another information-collecting thread, i suppose? yeah, guess i am too late for an introduction in here.

Not really good at guessing people anyway, so that’s why i didn’t participate in this.
Maybe someone will be able to try and guess any info about me…who knows, i am more of a private person…maybe too private.

you might live in america