Guess a forumer's appearance/voice/name/country thread

wth how did you know are you a phsycic or something

You seem like someone who probably enjoys reading horror books/outwardly seeks new horror literature. If not literature, youā€™re probably some sort of horror fanatic. If you arenā€™t interested in horror, Iā€™m stumped. I really donā€™t have a lot to go off of to guess your interests.

Iā€™m thinking youā€™re a woman, and you seem like someone who might be quiet and would wait for someone else to talk to you first instead of initiating a conversation. Something like a closet extrovert. Maybe a bit meek, maybe- thinking it might take a decent amount of insults before you insult someone back. You donā€™t seem like the type curse a lot IRL.

Iā€™d say youā€™re probably American too, judging from your common tone in posts here on this forum.

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You are not alone.


not him

Only recently got into horror! Before then I exclusively read romance and flowery fairytale adaptations (though I definitely was obsessed with mascot horror games when I was younger)

too accurate

I try not to, but its a bad habit :sob: I swear less over text

MURICA :boom::boom::boom::eagle::eagle::us_outlying_islands::us_outlying_islands:

probably had a cat at some point in your life

thatā€™s all I can say

you have no legs and shoot out balls of ice

emo and mad at the world. right side hair drooped over ur face and u prolly have a face piercing


How about me?


American, probably around 14 (give or take a year), a voice thatā€™s probably not deep, maybe 5ā€™ 7ā€

I literally know your name lol

Naw man plz no im not speaking the mario language :skull:

ah, my bad.

Ainā€™t ya Polish?

I am.

Holy fucking shit
everything is eerily accurate except for the height. Iā€™m 5ā€™6.5"
And my voice is a bit deeper than youā€™d expect
otherwiseā€¦eerily spot on

Iā€™ve been doxxed chat

imo, by a deep voice I mean what you can expect from the voice of a bass player,
I meant more like a voice of a chello player