Guess a forumer's appearance/voice/name/country thread

be glad I don’t know how to do that…yet

guess me (ghbnjmk,lkmjhgytfrdeswaZxbnmkl)

What do forumers think I am after 4 years

white male, 14 years old, sounds like you’re both 12 and 26 at the same time, and lives somewhere in Europe near the damn brits probably

also 5’4"

I feel like you are someone I shouldn’t try to guess…

Like there are some things you could probably do, but feel like you shouldn’t…

17 years old, minimum. Probably brown or ginger haired. Eye color indiscernible. Presumably comes from the far western European nations (Scottish heritage, maybe?)
Slightly shorter side; 170.2cm

Nuh uh

50/50 right

Nuh uh

Nuh uh

Nuh uh

whoa new doxxing thread, count me in

i think you’re a 15-16 year old boy, brown or black hair, white race, lives in america

4’11, 16 years, black hair, some where in eastern asia


i think tetragon was guessing me

i meant someone to guess me

is this a guess-doxxing thread now

I ain’t gettin involved in this.

18-23 years old, Australian male who is fond of his country’s army, standard voice, average height, dark chestnut hair, a rather uncommon given name (beyond top 100 of Australia’s most common names) :st3:
No special physical traits other than being in a good condition/fit.
No special psychological traits either, other than maybe being a savant or neurodivergent.

Chuckles very nervously (I won’t confirm nor deny, you’ll never guess my age. It is the utmost privacy).


idk what is average, but ok

Eh, yeah I’m pretty standard. Though I do yell a lot in Cadets.

I mean it’s definitely not Oliver, which is literally everywhere.

I’m not in a good condition tbh.

You’re right about this, no special psychological traits. I like studying though.

aight boys get ready to take some wild ass guesses with this free pass

Why does Australia even need an army your literally surrounded by sea and the closest real danger is China.