Guess who just found the epicenter as the new badge dropped?


The edge of the world…
Or the beginning of one?

looks like a regular volcano island

Mimhere island title and badge when?

So many people were joining on us that Vet changed the badge and made it so you can no longer upload footage to get it. F.

Wdym by “so many people are joining on us”, how does that help them get the badge

where does he say this

In the old trello if you had footage of you at the epicenter, you got the badge.

But because me and my homies were already AT the epicenter, people were joining on us and sailing to the epicenter to try and get footage for the badge.

edging the world?

Here are some screencaps of the Epicenter

I mapped it out and will try to be posting an informational about it soon. It’s pretty big, about twice the size of Orthys if I had to guess.

measure it using pies

I did not have enough pies.

But I did do a vauge comparison for how long it takes to circle epicenter vs places like orthys and ravenna. I’d say it’s about triple ravennas size, takes me with 100 agility about 6~ minutes to complete a circle of the island. On Ravenna its about 2 if I JUST stick to the outsides.

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