Guild as anime character #3, [SunCry]

The symbol on the flag is incorrect, i am however too lazy to fix it. so just image it being upside down.


Itā€™s da sun crying bro

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what is this i dont see a murder crazed psychopath


Its the crying sun

How did the sun cry

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Suncringe :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:


So rude smh

When I was gone for 2 months, I get introduced to guild dilfs.

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sO rUDe bRO Be NiCEr sMh

We refuse to be nice lol

Iā€™m going to enjoy this series, the art is epic!

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Now do The Cooking Association


I donā€™t see the sun cryingā€¦

Seriously though, good job it looks amazing.

ĒĘƒuį“‰É¹É”unS :upside_down_face:

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Kinda reminds me of Zenitsu from Demonslayer, here is a picture of him crying.

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Why arenā€™t there between 2 to 6 of them and why arenā€™t they all crazed murderers getting ready to blast the cameraman for infamy?

This representative almost looks saneā€¦ almost.

Suncry do be looking hot tho.

I want to represent the concept or theme of the Suncry it self, not what Suncry actually is. and of couse i will only draw 1 character, this is guild as anime character not guild member as anime character.

Oh no scari crying sun man is scari

Flipped the logo to match (Yes I know Its not very good, and no im not gonna fix it)

