Guild wars are dead lol

thanks vetex

is this a 5 minute cooldown for a specific player or for every player kill in general?

if it’s the latter we gonna fight for 30 seconds then take a 5 minute break during wars :fr:

sounds like every player kill

How does this kill guild wars if its player specific

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guild wars are fought between people you egg

daddy vetex he called you an egg lol :rofl: :sweat_smile: :joy: :joy: .-.

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I mean not really considering he just said its player specific, it just means people wont be allowed to do mass wars against smaller guilds and totally dominate and spawn kill, also talking about guild wars will there be any sorta specific types of wars as features or stuff or players will have to choose and make the games (not with coding i mean just like choosing wars if there aren’t any sorta features for wars, like protection a bandit camp or getting the most infamy from killing only people from the other guild etc) themselves?

you realize that if you kill everyone in a group you wont be able to keep geting infamy for 5 minutes because you won to much no matter the numbers

The cooldown is player specific, retard


If your fighting a guild war and say it’s like 5v7, good chance is you will kill the same person more then once within a 5m period. Having to meticulously target someone else while being targeted yourself. It adds a whole unneeded layer to guild wars. At this point people are already talking about macroing guild infamy.
Not to be mention if you kill 2 people in a guild war they will be on cooldown, so to gain infamy efficiently you will have to cycle through players and target people. Now imagine doing this while FPS is at it’s lowest possible, and getting Aoe spammed, yeah it can get really annoying.

it takes around half a minute to get back into the place you died after you respawn this means someone can die around 10 times and get back in the fight by the time the infamy thing ends

You can still kill people, and if your fighting a 5v7 wouldn’t it be single kills? Otherwise the fight would never end. Or if it was everybody on one team had to die once, then you can just target that person. If someone gets in your way you’re going to have to fight them eventually, regardless of cool down.