guilds are cringe. here is my proof. guilds are cringe. it has been confirmed
thank you mister owner of guild
what I don’t own a guild what are you talking about im not a hypocrite no you are shut up I’m lord galtron EEEEE
delete your guild, no balls
I’m a woman ofc I have no balls teehee
Let me drain KOF then yees?
noooooo (complete sentence)
bro idk about guilds being cringe but you are pretty cringe
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SO RIGHT! (complete sentence)
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i am a woman and i can guarantee you my metaphysical balls are larger than you could ever comprehend
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but but but
Don’t have it
my apologies, what?
k then
I think she means its weird as shit LOL
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lmfao i know that’s the point, it’s what the kids would call a joke
ooo old person joke how you gonna take that @Moo