Guilds as anime girls : Dragon

my own personal guild, “Dragon”, as an anime girl
and yes I totally used my pfp as the logo

still drawing free wom character art, dm me on discord if interested uwu


Didn’t it use to be AG?



used to but I switched cause I got bored of it


Tats not a dragon

it is dragirl

Ok i get it
Its sans

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sands??? from undermanned?

Why is she legless and levitating?

why not

bro i dont even draw stick men and i can do better then this

i doubt it but ok

Alright then, Prove It

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i can already tell that this art community is one of dictatorships and suffering.

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reason this is better: 1: does not rely on getting horny idiots to get it attention 2: heart and soul put in to it 3: inspired by family friendly ideals 4: not following a trend for attention 5: done quickly and efficiently 6: does not need tons of artists with no lives to defend it in reply’s


did this man really criticize and trash on other people’s art then make this gacha life character lmaooooooooo


@EtherealR try to say this is worse liberal

forum be like

ok sure

it is worse