Gun control

Bit of a dumb take from you ngl
Illegal guns will always exist in the USA, theres no reason not to have armed officers on location.
We have armed security guards at banks but not at our schools? School shooters almost always go for schools that are away from law enforcement and any armed buildings (banks etc)

In order to get rid of a school shooter there are always armed cops pulling up on scene, may as well have them already on scene before the shooter can harm anyone.

While I don’t disagree that the background checks are flawed, the real issue with school shooters isn’t so much the legal guns.

I don’t know where you live, but where I am (NYC) school guards were no longer armed as of sometime in 2015 - 2018

Precisely, school guards are normally some of the most liked people in the schools

illegal guns will always exist but making it harder to get legal guns or just have a gun in general will help by a huge degree.

I don’t disagree but if someone wants to shoot up a school they’ll find an illegal gun anyway, I don’t think it’ll have much of an affect.

if the country has even possessing guns such as selling them as extremely difficult, even illegally, then they won’t be able to find a gun

you forget that most of these shooters wouldn’t even know where to find an illegal gun store

Realistically it’s not that hard to get an illegal gun, dark web exists and the FBI takes forever to get search warrants for your homes. Often people buy illegal guns a week (or less) before the shooting happens

I think the real issue with guns in america is how shitty the FBI and CIA are, and the fact that the current background checks are dogshit.

thats wild bruh

Oh fuck I just noticed

I love reading about gun control and related global issues pertaining firearms on a website about lego pirate people with magical powers :hugs:


while we’re at it, what do you guys think about the current political state of America

the vice president is kind of weird ngl

kamala harris I think?

biden and harris are both strange lmao, we havent had a semi normal president in awhile


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I’m not gonna sugarcoat this detail, buddy.

oooooohhhh buuuuussstttteeedddd :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_peeking_eye:

rules outdated ex post facto applies

So if I good understand you say america is failed society?

America isn’t a “failed society” by any means, just heavily flawed in my eyes. There are definitely many current issues that we face as a community today, but that doesn’t mean we can’t give credit to some of the good stuff, like for example, america is very diverse when it comes to the people that live here.

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Yeeeaaah, I wouldn’t count on that.