Gunboat Ship Concept


2 Cannons on the Port and Starboard sides
1 Cannon facing forwards
2 Swivel Guns


fuck yeah sailboat upgrade

Sailboat counterpart I will never use :cold_face:



The cooler Sailboat


should have a siege weapon slot and no speed penalty from them as AA gunboat’s whole shtick was to have a mortar

I was debating on adding one, but a boat as small as this with a mortar weapon would be too op

But it would give you a reason to use this over a caravel at the cost of one ram/pair of cannons


originally I planned on designing some sort of ‘greek fire’ turret that can rotate around setting ships on fire that would by used by this boat


but it is being added… check trello’s ship ideas

Really good. Although I personally think this would fit the role of a Cutter.

The way I see it for the gunboat, would be a Frigate subtype, albeit slightly larger and completely dedicated for siege/sniper roles

20 cannons (10 each side)
8 mortars (4 eachside)
1 turret
QOL features
4 deckhands
6 Swivels

Despite the immense firepower, its poor cannon count and rather slow base stats compensate

dawg gunboats are meant to be small with mortars
also this is a mini necropost

Doesn’t have to be small

it was small in arcane adventures :person_shrugging:

That was AA

man the problem is gunboat is too broad of a term, it just means any boat with cannons/guns
a ship of the line is a gunboat as much as a rowboat with a swivel cannon would be

thats true, although siege ship meant to crush big ships/clan fortifications would be epic

if its meant to crush big ships everyone would use it, maybe a small ship with 2 mortars so it can dodge and destroy clan builds

personally id have it be priced rather high instead of small ship, be slow, have lower hp than the frigate, be somewhat slow, stability nobody cares about, and have slight turning problems, and resistance idk how to calculate

wouldnt be much of a solo ship, rather a ship u r meant to use if u are in a clan and run organised fleets (nobody does), but once again, would struggle against smaller ships, really only meant to antagonise slower frigates, galleons, and ship of the lines