Powerful Superheated Arcsphere >>> Powerful Bracelet
Why? Arcsphere has the same power stats as bracelet, but without the intensity, this makes it INFERIOR to the bracelet.
However! The “Superheated” modifier gives additional power and intensity, which is available to arcspheres in treasure hunts unlike the bracelet which is locked to the Dark Sea, where there is no buried treasure.
Powerful Superheated Arcsphere is peak power accessory.
I’m sorry I haven’t got the time to get on so I don’t know how much of this is true, but
didn’t the power stat on arcsphere get nerfed?
did this change actually go through?
no it didn’t
my friend’s strong arcsphere and my strong bracelet for comparison (theyre both enchanted with strong)
How much more power does super heated give?
i don’t know but it gives power still
November 11, 2023, 9:43am
Going off of other modified items, probably the same amount as a t1 power scroll
November 11, 2023, 9:43am
Superheated is Strong + Amplified worth of stats
while Drowned is Hard + Bursting worth of stats
not hard to see which is better
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Do ppl ever fish up arcsphere? Is it possible to fish up drowned arc sphere
it is possible to fish up arcsphere but i don’t know if you can fish up drowned arcsphere
regardless of this nerf, it’d still be peak
(12 is from powerful scroll)
(6 is from superheated)
Do you actually get drowned items from fishing? Either way you can still get drowned arcspheres from chests
May 12, 2024, 11:24am
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