Guys i don't know what's going on with my account

I guess yours also affects speech, I just had to deal with constantly saying OwO and UwU while having a furry pfp and username

Please confirm that’s not the black hole that Vetex Vortex Vertex is trapped in

Then he will escape, just like bomba said…

Completely different… I think?

Ok well that’s good

He’s escaping tomorrow anyways so it doesn’t matter

VVV is the most elaborate meme on the forums

Now excuse me while I go to the market to buy more bleach in which i will subsequently use to spray in my eyes


That’s all you’re using? I’m using antimatter particles directly on my eyes.

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Yeah, I think I need to step it up as well.

Any ideas on how to stop this horrific infection?

Maybe if we convince TAICT to set their clock after April Fools, we can avert this tragic series of events.

I’ve found that antimatter solves most problems by violently converting them into energy.

Hmm, that’s a good solution. But how will we acquire vast and plentiful sources of this elusive material?

We could use time travel to create matter from nothing, resulting in an equal amount of antimatter being created which we will then use to annihilate this.

Let’s, let’s!

Iwt’s futiwe tuwu bothew. taitc wiww be kiwwed as weww if youw intend own using thiws method.

What do you mean OwO?

youw might as weww wait fow the day tuwu be ovew.

A small price to pay.

Oh wait I forgot Walmart sells anti-uwu spray

This should be easy enough

Good wuck. Thawt won’t hewp.

But what if I buy it from K-MART??!??!?!?!

Whawt diffewence duwu youw think thawt makes youw numbskuww