Gym is fun

Bro I wish the pool unit was optional, the water is approaching Antarctic temperatures :man_shrugging:

L + rich bum (who attends a skool with a pool)+ Mud blooded individual

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America in a nutshell :skull:

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Pool sounds boring as hell for gym.
I mean sure, going swimming is cool but every day involuntarily? Hell no.

Dodgeball is where its at.
Real talk, nothing feels quite like leaning backwards and watching a dodgeball graze your nose in slow motion because adrenaline.



My school got no gym yet this post fascinates me

Dodgeball too unstimulating; danish longball = adrenaline

Dodgeball is objectively the best sport in existence

its fighting, with balls

It’s the only sport you guys ever play

What a crazy class, but also sounds like a poorly designed locker room? Shouldn’t the showers be in a separate area, and not blocking a common high-traffic area where people would need to move through? Most commercial pools I’ve gone to usually have the showers nearby the entrance to the pool (idea is that you would shower after changing to get yourself wet, to wash off some dirt, oils and body products), but never directly in the way. Quite unfortunate to hear about your situation.


Ever had to deal with screeches of the damn?

NGL I kind of miss those stupid kids screeching

I know, it’s pretty annoying lol

yes indeed i think it already fixed