Happy Birthday Vetex

Happy birthday vetex, lets hope you have some motivation on AO!


happy birthdya

I believe that today is also the two year anniversary of TGR announcement (at the time of writing this, it’s still the 20th for me).

Happy Birthday vetex

Happy birthday

happy bday vetex!

happ birff vetex
: D

happy birthing vetex ahaha!!! I couldn’t think of anything you’d like so please accept this image of a really cool cat!!


why you flippin off vetex?

kinda mean tbh

That’s not me that’s the cat doing that. I can’t control the cat’s actions, I apologize for any offense I may have caused.

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uh huh…

you do realize-

you know what I don’t care actually do whatever byeee

happy birthday vetex. one of my favorite roblox developers