Happy Indonesian Independence Day!

Thank You Very much to These ppl who had been participate To this art collab :grin:
The event was actually 2 days ago, But we were busy with personal stuff
And finally just Finished it Now
@Nub1 @acko @dollychovespula


Telat dikit ga ngaruh

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Telat dikit ga ngaruh


Telat dikit ga ngaruh


Telat dikit ga ngaruh :sob:
Happy independence day! Sekali merdeka tetap merdeka! :confetti_ball:


Telat dikit gak ngaruh


Why is almost everybody saying “telat dikit ga ngaruh” :sob::sob:

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Well why wouldn’t they?

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Telat dikit ga ngaruh

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Awh, saya telat ikut
tapi gpp, masih bagus juga liat art AO disini :smile:

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karena sudah dua hari sejak hari kemerdekaan
juga karena mengulang hal-hal terlalu lucu

real talk and not using google translate cause i cannot speak my own native language (Saya orang Indonesia dalam segala hal kecuali dalam berbicara)
honestly i should’ve joined the collab
i could have just added a stick figure
would’ve been funny

anyways happy independence day to what basically is the continent of Asia’s version of Florida, so i’ve been told by many outsiders, and i’ll be honest, i do not blame them, we are weird.

also, to every indonesian person here, how was your independence day?

i mean mine was great i sat in my room and cried while eating yellow rice


I have an Indonesian friend, and the way she describes it… I’d say more like Florida on crack, frankly.
Not a bad or good thing. Just… Your weather patterns are Florida to the third power.


Telat dikit ga ngaruh
-a wise man

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What’s even weirder is that one of our colonizers are the Japanese Empire, and our heroes sacrificed so much blood to get them out of our homeland

And then most of us became weebs

Idk how that works but its funny ngl

Because a license to air anime is quite cheap. like how Mexican air Dragon Ball

I remember they air a ton of anime from Dragon Ball, Bakugan, Beyblade, and Tamiya ( Bakusō Kyōdai Rettsu Endo Gō!!), on TV with the Indonesia dubs mostly being lost media now

ohh boi, early 2000 with Naruto being a hit boom made other channel TV channels air anime like Trigun, Evangelion, Ranma 1/2, and many anime airing licenses they can get

All of that ancestral blood of conquest was channeled into industry domination.
It works! Not sure if it’s a good thing or even a bad thing… But it’s a better outlet than war and destruction!

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Telat reply gk ngaruh kan