a quick view of the sea behind
a look to the east
a look ahead
Hullo Cirrus!

Brave Dark Sea Explorers tm
The imposing Stepstones viewed from the rift
Southern edge of the rift
A final look to the northwestern dark sea.
doesn’t seem to be anything like chests up here, but it’s cool nonetheless, I find it pretty nice up here
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it’s possible but not worth the time
it takes literally 2 min at the most to spam tjump climb and just inf climb it bru
you could just jump off a sky ship right
I got flung over it from hitbox collision with terrain on a sky island, and there was a pirate ketch on the other side.
I also drowned
if you use magic and fighting style at your advantage you can definitely do it,i just don’t wanna do it lmao
spam t jump and climb, you can infinitely climb anything, and if there’s two walls it’s even faster
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