Has anyone not noticed darklorddurza has been banned?

Honestly, Durza is probably one of my favorites on this forum. Sure, he was toxic as hell, but he is the best troll I have ever seen. Of course he should of been banned but to me he was hilarious as fuck. I don’t know why people are so butthurt about him if you weren’t affected by him

i didn’t even know he existed

I was affected by him and only me. So I don’t take what your saying lightly just because YOU were not doxxed.

Anyone who makes threats like that deserves a perma-ban no doubt. I mean, doxxing is a literal crime :confused:

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Seems about right for angmar (and yes I will call him angmar cause I’m 99% sure its him)

He was one of the unfunny trolls who took the joke too far

Wait this man DOXXED headless?
Yo he went to far
This man has the ability to dox someone but he uses it like a toddler
“Boo-hoo I threatened to do something illegal and I got punished for it” Go cry to the police or some shiz, they’ll treat you well.
He should be glad that Headless hasn’t called the police on him yet, IMO y’all should ban him from everything WOM in the first place
If you make some alt and see this, Dark, apologize to headless and don’t do that stupid shit again.
BTW his trolls and jokes didn’t really make me laugh. Not surprised why people believed him to be an angmar alt.

@WAX is weak. He cowered from the Forums for months and then finally stops hiding? I can easily defeat @WAX by just throwing him into a black hole :sunglasses:


im no lord to no one