Have you realized Sailor fist solos curse users?

So like, they literally cant touch sea water else they explode. We as sailor users control it, and one punch from us and they canonically die. We are OP.

iirc, the curse users need to be submerged in seawater and not covered of it

Sadly sailor fist users are only taking a little bit of the vast amount of magic energy in the ocean when they consume seawater, so it’s only gonna be as effective as any other magic attack of the same level.

Nah, it would hurt them for the same reason every other method of attack hurts them, the magic energy

I remember saying this in some thread, and I stand by it.

it would be like accidentally putting your hand on something hot to the curse user
yeah sure it would sting but nothing actually happens

No, if they even touch it bro. The sea water is imbued with durza’s energy which conflicts with curses, and seeing as their made of their curse they would die.

The amount is irrelevant, the magic energy from durza’s blast conflicts with the curse energy, and they are made out of their curse so if they touch if they would explode. Chain/chemical reaction.

ALL magic energy conflicts with it, hence why magic can hurt curse users.

The reason they instantly die when entering the water is because they are basically getting hit constantly on all sides by magic energy, if they just got a splash on them sure it would hurt but it would dissipate

Does this apply to seawater salts. Can I ‘pocket sand’ them with irradiated salt

I mean it’s inside the salt, so I assume it needs to be dissolved

Squirt gun filled with extremely salinated water

averill literally sailed across the globe as a curse user and he was fine

sounds good enough to me

if this was the case then why did durza struggle so much to take down cursebeard

If the magic energy in the sea is what kills curse users, can’t you just submerge them in any liquid magic?

Vetex writing :nod:

Okay, so you’re telling me that when the morning fog rolls in to Ravenna, Julian has to hide inside of the castle or die? Warren was fearing for his life as he sat at the bottom of the Stepstones, worrying about the slightest spray of the sea?

This would also be inconsistent with how energy works in real life. You are being CONSTANTLY bombarded with radiation every moment of every day. Most of it is too weak to do jack squat to you. If the amount truly didn’t matter, you’d have died of radiation poisoning years ago. The same premise likely holds true for curse users: the amount of energy does matter.

so if someone with just a dot of seawater on their finger were able to lay their hands on a curse user they would be immediately defeated
can you confirm this is what you’re saying?

Then explain that curse user that sailed across the sea (please double check me)