Hazard Odyssey

Ok if it’s damage based on max health % let me run an attack speed build, pick up a cactus and bludgeon people do death in 14 hits

Remember when sea urchins did half of your health?

Time to plant cacti as hazards around my base in decorations tab

Me with 1200 and 1600 max health on my 2 files:


endgame players destroying islands casually while getting 7.5% of their hp taken by a cactus

Urchins or clams? As of now, clams deal 50% of your hp for no good reason :pensive: .

Swim in to touch the pearl then immediately out
It may take a bit to give you the pearl

Oh yeah I know that, I’ve farmed up 2K+ of them before since goofily enough, they respawn every minute so all you need to do is find a structure that gives 10+ per minute.

Just goofy that they deal half of your hp despite having 2K+ hp. Percentage damages should be reserved to natural-magic sources, not like clams, urchins, cactus etc. :sob: . I can see why curse users are afraid of the ocean, not only do they explode but anything that lives under there can potentially deal 50% of their health if they managed to survive.

Imagine being a mage, perfecting your craft and reaching the peak of your magical prowess, and you’re still weaker than some random clam

it’d be real funny when fall damage gets added

I think cactus should deal 100 damage base + 20% of max health plus 50% bleed dot that becomes 90% if you try and cleanse it

if sea urchins did % based damage i think nobody would dive anymore, they are already slightly annoying as is

fire deals, like, 83 at best to me
that’s much less than 300

83 per tick, fire dot has 5 ticks in total

that’s 415…

Or maybe it’s 83 in total.
Surely it’s meta to have a build with 252 health

14 pokes and you will become tucker 2

That’s actually what killed tucker. He made an amazing plan to escape unharmed, but as everyone was escaping, vetex updated cacti to deal percentage damage and he was killed by them

Bludgeoned to death with a cactus

The final boss is just going to be wielding a cactus.
The boss will also start out at 92.5% health

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