When grazing a cactus with my arm somehow deals more damage than a curse wielder
nerf that shit to 5% and make it of base health
goodbye sun caroways
why tf is it percent damage dawg just make it do like 20 or smth
Because vetex decided that he wanted to make every map hazard deal percentage damage
I’ll just stick this here.
thats dumb as hell
imagine we get to a point where we can have like 10000 hp nd a cactus be doin 750 damage to us. literally more damage than the king of ravenna with a fully charged orbital strike
I get that the reason is to keep it from becoming “light work” in the future, but it’s a gotdamn cactus, why can’t it be that simple?
Cactus absorbs water and water in this game is polluted by magic piss, therefore a single thorn is actually dangerous in this world of magic since it’s powered up by the same thing curse users are afraid of.
The cactus runs an armor piercing build
I cooked up a build in the AO Tool builder and got 4869 HP w/o Metal Aura (so it can get higher)
Since it’s max HP, let’s use this for now.
4869 x 0.075 = 365 HP
I don’t know how much metal aura multiplies HP by, but feel free to factor in aura potency secondary effects from 10 gems.
I got worried when I initially read that. Thinking it said “75%”. I hope NPCs also have to deal with this, so I can do some funny stuff with Knockback builds.
counterpoint this is really funny
haha another annoying immersion mechanic, last update was %damage burn that do like 300 at minimum
Like fr though imagine covered head to toe in hundred pounds of metal still getting hurt by some cacti
Wtf vetex
These environmental hazards would be infinitely better if they hurt enemies as well.
killing shura with his campfire would be funny
someone make this a suggestion
I think Vetex has a fucking orgasm whenever he sees % based damage, I see NO REASON why touching 1 pixel of the fort castrum fire does fuckiing 25% of your hp. Thats 500 for most builds!
If enemies are going to roast marshmallows over my burning corpse at fort Castrum because I stepped in the wrong spot, I should be able to do the same to them.
Vetex must be a riot games dev on the side