Hazel the Water Conjurer

One of the pieces I submitted to the art request thing, but I added a fog effect over it. She was originally a steam magic user, before I realized that wasn’t a thing in the game when I was mostly done with it. I could’ve sworn there was a steam magic in the game but ig not. So she’s a water conjurer now.
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Also decided to add on to my previous post before my CSP subscription expires lol


Steam is accessible through infusing heat magics onto Sailor Fist, or infusing heat magics onto the Sunken Sword.

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Steam Magic (probably) exists as a lost magic.
Though, you still can access Steam Magic by the statement above.

Ayyo my supposed-to-be conjurer was also supposed to use water.
Too bad I’m not a fan of weapons.

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Looks nice :+1:

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Steam is still water

musketeer hat supremacy

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but hotter

If you wanna argue even explosion mage can create steam