He beat me to it but i will not yield



Right as I heard elius cat-boy in general chat I just had to immediately come here and like it

I feel like somebody is gonna bully me for this
I like it btw
gotta love the collabs 'n stuff


Lord for give me for my sins



ash magic, make their computer explode

You should’ve just take your time and not rush it, still a pretty good job btw :+1:

i recommend you refer to this wikihow page to protect yourself from what i’m about to do to you

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Like I get that the art is good and take a talent and all but like

Genderswapping and furrying a lego guy is a bit much

Carinna teaching how to distract the MC and kill them easily :skull:

They got ellius too bruh :skull:

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Catboy Elius that’s weirder then morden as catboy

That aint no boy anymore :upside_down_face:

Welp, good art. Questionable moral decisions, but, good art.

I never knew I needed Cat Boy Elius (is he even a cat boy in this or a cat girl?)

And Carina’s fine too, ig.

But Lord Elius is looking quite cute. 10/10, would recommend for the gaes.

I’m honored lmao

now I like this

Wait 'til Ulricus knows of this

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Ulricus catgirl when