He beat me to it but i will not yield

That’s a lot of buzazz

This guy likes cat girls (and maybe cat boys too), let’s bully him! jk

is this Ellius and Carina?
i need this as wallpaper

This will not stop Alpha White Eyes from consuming the bronze sea. She solos

Nice art btw

now make calvus and revon

Don’t listen to this man

Why does her tail stick out of her right hip, that or she can twist like an owl’s head

is elius a catboy or catgirl… both choices nice…


Sometimes I think about what my purpose in this reality truly is.


wait since when are u on the forum

What the fuck…?

april 21

jokes on u, hes my friend i will bully back (for legal reasons, this is a joke)

This meowsome! Nyice! Purrfect!

This is indeed, a blessing to the eyes on this day. I knew I felt something missing, and this was it!


We need more catboy representation

NO. We do not.

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Please no… no more…

i’m screenshotting this

He’s the Bronze Hound.

He’d be a wolf… Well, man.
That actually sounds sick as hell, wait…