Hear me out

this could be a april fools.

april fools is all those people i have never seen coming out of nowhere and screaming at vetex for dealing with depression, guilt of us not getting updates, rushing it early to satisfy us, and now suffering because weapon wipe and people dissapointed with update

way too early for april fools bro

tbh losing the sunkens aint even that deep.

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its not just sunkens, its EVERY weapon for people that played on release.
thankfully i dodged that by sleeping (asia timezone W)
also sunkens are pretty deep… after all, you fish them out…

:wilted_flower: shit isnt even believable

i personally didnt lose much, but say that to those who sunk hundreds of hours into grinding for sunkens, only to lose them and have their time wasted

wait does he have depression

didnt he take a month break just because of that

Vetex was heavily depressed somewhere December-January, leading to the update taking longer, according to his post on the Roblox Developer Forums


I thought the month break after Dark Sea and Deckhands updates were to plan for Nimbus. But I did notice there were sporadic “breaks” during the development of the first chapter. I assumed it might be due to cutscene creation and stuff, but I still remembered how quick he was with story in the past and the Nimbus Sea first chapter was supposed to be short.

Should’ve seen the signs there…


I think that part was referring to the sheer amount of bugs Vetex had to fix after the Dark Sea and Deckhand Update. I remember Vetex being frustrated at them oof.

probably but i dont think he does anymore, whatever he went through he seems to have moved on now

really the only meaningful things i lost were my dense greataxe, my triasta, my elius weapons, and ig my PT and sanguine daggers but i dont use those anyways

but other than that i think the update was alright aside from there only being one boss (though that really doesn’t matter that much, Maria is pretty challenging)

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