Hecate Essence Rant and a Call for Answers Regarding it

Hecate Essence was added two, nearly three months ago.
When it has released and now, it has been found exclusively found in the far reaches at a 1/12 chance to generate on an island.
It has a very small render range and is surrounded by enemies 4-5 times our level in the rare chance you find it, as the 1/12 is the chance it spawns in a single location on a typically unbelievably large island. This has led players, including myself, to spend more hours than we’re willing to go back and count trying to find a single one.

We aren’t even supposed to be in the far reaches at our current level, and yet this is the one singular way to change your file’s first magic. It has reached a point where people have completely given up and have either deleted and remade their files to get the new magic they want or outright quit the game.

Since this has happened, very very few people have had anything good to say whatsoever about how its been implemented, and yet vetex has stayed completely silent on the matter, not even saying the words “hecate” or “essence” in ANY publicly accessible space since the update except for once in the trello referencing essence type potions.
Don’t believe me? Look for yourself.

Balance trello notes attempting to alleviate the issues with it have been veto’d.
An update has released and not a word.

I need answers, Vetex, why are you sticking to making this mechanic as horribly miserable to interact with as humanly possible?

3/4 of classes in the game can switch around their builds at a moment’s notice, but magic takes hours, or in some cases, tens of hours to change a single time. Why is magic different?
You retconned minds and said mages could freely learn magics just before the update dropped, which I get why it can’t be that easy, but this is too far.

I hate doing shit like this but I’m so tired of waiting for an answer that’s very clearly not coming unless I take it here. I’ve tried quieter methods, but it seems that I’m not getting a response until I start yelling. So I’ll yell.
I love AO, I think it has so much potential to be something incredible, otherwise I wouldn’t have stuck with it for the last 4 years.
However, with stuff like this happening, it is becoming increasingly difficult to stay positive.

So, I ask, what’s the reason?
Is it a case of being misinformed and believing people like this?
Do you hate this community and implemented it this way out of spite?
Is lore accuracy just that important to you?
Is it something else that I just haven’t considered yet?

I understand that you don’t particularly like interacting with this, at times, very toxic and demanding community, but in cases like this, the silence isn’t doing anyone any favors.

We’ve all done this song and dance before with deckhands, I am certain that none of us particularly want to do it again.
1: Feature releases in a bad state.
2: Community complains.
3: The problem is ignored.
4: The complaints get louder.
5: Repeat 3/4 until problem is addressed.
That’s how it happened before and that is how it is happening again, so please, end this.


An ever-present problem with every roblox developer on this forsaken site


I forgot step 6 in which everybody dislikes each other more scaling on how many times step 5 repeated


i fear this is the answer you’re looking for

maybe because we need to be level ~300-400 to be able to change our magic?

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I fear that possibility too, but I want to hear it from vetex himself.


one option is to ping vetex

I will probably do that if he doesn’t, in some way, address the problem.
I am done watching everyone get completely ignored without taking brash action.

I shouldn’t need to ping him to get him to address this, this is a massive issue.
I’m just not willing to wait another year like it took for deckhands to be addressed.
We’ve already done this before!

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preach goat

ok we’re doing this.
@Vetex staying silent on this issue isn’t making it go away, its just making it worse.

I didn’t want to ping you to get your attention, but I shouldn’t have to ping you to get you to address three months of constant and consistent community complaint.
This isn’t good for you, me, the game, anyone, or anything.

Sure, maybe you don’t have a solution in mind yet, that’s ok, just let the people know they’ve been heard, speak your mind man.
You are the one and only person who can put a definitive rest to this.






Don’t you think you’re taking this a tad bit seriously? It’s just a Roblox game and you’re treating it like Vetex is some kind of union buster.

you have my support

people want games to have reasonable mechanics
is it now illegal to get immersed in a game to the point where you want it to change for the better?

I understand that but it quite literally isn’t this deep

The dude is speaking as if Vetex owes him/everyone answers. Even going as far as pinging him.


I think he does owe people answers given that he’s stayed completely silent on the matter for three months despite everybody calling for change.
It isn’t like the complaints about hecate essence are ever going to stop without him saying/doing something about it anyways. If it isn’t me it’ll be someone else.
Pinging him isn’t unreasonable, for what reason are we supposed to be afraid of vetex when we have genuine reasonable concerns.

I’m not letting this sit for an entire year again quietly like we did with deckhands.
Tell me, do you really want to repeat that song and dance every single time a feature releases in a bad state? I really don’t like that idea myself.

Rule 18 pal!

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Not the time or place for jokes.

If most people would rather delete their file over find hecate essence then it failed at its job. Its existence was supposed to replace that as people’s first choice, no?


I disagree, in the gaming spaces I’m at, a dev isn’t required to respond or accept any criticism (Even if it’s in their best interest to do so). I think doing so is at the least a bit parasocial and at the worst entitled.

I agree in the sense that it should be changed but I don’t think making full on paragraphs demanding that he do something is the right way to go about it. I mean it is just a small feature in a game.

I’d sorta understand if it was something like PvP though (Where people do get harassed)

I would assume it’s unreasonable to the guy who made the entire PvP rant as well as lock the Discord down due to class name changes

No but I don’t think hounding him over something as small as tedious class changes is the right approach