Heh heh heh,who can beat this guy

Who can beat this guy

literally anyone with a gun or decent combat skills tbh

fucking level 10 berserker could shitstomp him lol

I would say a fucking level 2 warden would beat him with his toe

My bad, Pinky toe

what are you guys talking about? that’s king, the strongest person alive, no one could beat him in a fight

Whatabout Cosmic garou

Wait,didn’t you just copy those words from the manga?

idk i haven’t read the manga

Too much charisma, he’s gonna unintentionally summon a universal warlord

Fear the king engine

A Piggy

i can

I don’t think anyone in the forums here are confident enough to take on a man with such imposing aura and a face like that is enough to demoralize anyone here lol.

You would need the entire world to conspire against him and even then he would somehow manage to get out of there through sheer dumb luck, nobody can beat him

I think unironically that King might actually beat a good bunch of the forum. He’s still an adult male with a decent build. 29 years old is a good shot at anyone who is still a teenager or barely becoming an adult.

I am buddy… I am the Alpha.


Finally I can post this image again

firearm (any)

I would poke him in the eyes, what can he possibly hope to do to counter that