Height of the forums

Ok so I found this funny height website and I thought. “Hey, why not compile and compare how tall everybody is on the forums?” So I am doing that right now!

Below list your height and gender or something. Tallest gets flexing perms from me.

6’ 1 but whenever someone looks away i shrink to 4’ 3

Fr fr ong?

5’8 and still growing :sob:

fr fr ong

Unlucky currently has flexing perms.
(Damn you mfers are hella tall.)

Shit. I’m tied with Unlucky.


just checked and i’m 5’9" apparently

Last time I checked I was 5’3. But I may be 5’5 now but idr

16’9 :trollface:

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I’m 5’ 11” but if you want you could always round me up to a good 6 feet or something. Since you’re already at it, I like odd numbers so you could round that up to a nice 6’ 5” for me :mariomug:

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I’m 5’7”, I’m a guy. Noticeably shorter, but not enough to be dubbed a “short king”.

Don’t worry, you’re a medium king

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Lol, appreciated.


My aunts and uncles are always disappointed when they find out I don’t play basketball


6ft exactly


They fr think that height is the only factor for Basketball :skull:

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