Hello community

Im Mortal Shadow, there is nothing to say more… XD. Ask something not very serious or personal and maybe I will answer, because I bored.

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Hello mortal shadow

Hello Divanochi.

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Hi, I am one of the many ice magic guys, welcome to the forums, here we have gods, possible crazy people, edgy simps and at least one weird trend at a time, remember to never touch grass, and to overthink absolutely everything.


calling randomness a nerd aside, hi

Welcome to the forums! Have a cookie :cookie:

Im there almost for a week lol.

Hi I’m Ézia, and I am in all three groups he stated

what on earth did I do to you?

be a nerd

fair enough

A new forumer deserves a new cookie


Welcome to the forum. I’m the dragon obsessed teenager in the corner.
Also Books!


Hello. What will your stat build be? Also, touch grass while you still can.

Warlord. And I already touched grass.

not for long

Until 25 december. :rofl:

If AO is released on Christmas I will be so happy.