Hello fellow AO players

Hi, my forum username is Darkbitlike and I am not very good at PvP (or PvE actually) but I’ll try to improve at it. Well, at least I can survive Dark Sea 1st range 80% of the time. (the non insanity range, or whatever name you call it I guess?)

Also, I’m always dirt poor because I keep gambling way too many galleons on getting specific enchantment for an item and failing due to my character’s flaw known as “bad luck”. I must have drank a “bad luck” potion in the past or something idk.

So anyway, I decided to create my forum account because why not, nice to meet you all I guess?

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Welcome to the forums :confetti_ball:
Hope you enjoy your stay!

Also for the dark seas, I would recommend getting some upgraded enchants for your boat first if you can’t afford the brig yet.

I’m not sure what is “upgraded enchants” but thanks for the tip. Btw, I am progressing on my 2nd file which isn’t maxed level yet so uhh no dark sea for me.

Maybe I’ll hop right back to my 1st file after being done with my 2nd file but who know :person_shrugging:

basically just higher tier enchant scrolls that give more stats

Oh cool, can you give me an example of an “upgraded enchants”?

Some enchants I’d recommend are Brisk or Warship enchant scrolls from the dark seas:
Brisk - Upgraded version of swift, gives speed
Warship - Sacrifices certain stat to increase others

Also, I’d recommend some better ship parts like archaic sails and hull when you get them from the dark sealed chests

enhanced is just better anplified, more intensity

Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll try to get it later.

Also thanks. Do you know where can I find the list of “upgraded enchants”?

ao wiki has them

People usually just call them exotic enchants since all of them are on exotic tier scrolls instead of rare tier scrolls.
I dunno why Bio introduced them as “upgraded enchants” lol.

omg another non-pvper
a new challenger for ‘who is the worst pvper’
i look forward to meeting you

I have 0 player kills on all files, I lost every pvp fight I ever had. So what about you?

Hello there m8, welcome to the forums.

I’m fairly bad at pvp myself, but I’m also trying to improve. It’s alright if you’re bad at pvp, nothing wrong with it.

I personally call it Limbo, but others seem to call it range 1/insanity 0. And yeah, sailing there is a viable strat if you don’t wanna go deeper into each layer.

That’s what I’ve been calling them since their release since their basically the upgraded / tier 2 versions of the base enchants.