Hello! I’m new to this fandom and has been playing for a while now

I’m currently a level 140 mage. Trying to grind for Brig now(I wanna go into Dark Sea eventually). I was wondering if I could join a clan maybe? I kinda want to play with other people

Update: I joined a clan, it currently only 2 people now, me and another person. Also I bought a Brig just recently, the grind was dreadful. I keep getting megalodons and White eyes spawning when I’m doing cargos ;-;


Hello InsertCreativeName :wave:

Also @Dudeman

Hello rb1

Jk jk, welcome to forums, people here can be crazy but you’ll get used to it

(Also join not really my clan called the Order of Pie, new members get a free insanity pie)

Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay :).

@AnUnoriginalUsername 2 electric boogaloo

Another new feller!
Do you know how to remove a M:3 Cat-Inator Brain Chip implanted by cat ears?
Also why has there been a lot more newly created accounts than usual we have had like 3

suspicious 3 new accounts

I’ve actually been lurking around for 2 weeks now and only made n account recently

I also played when dark sea first released but quit because it was lagging SO MUCH I keep crashing(it’s still laggy but at least I don’t crash now cause imagine I crash right after buying cargos). And when I came back I kept being mauled by sharks so that was an experience :upside_down_face: