Hello, i'm Mor

Technically, it was never Morden who told us to beat General Argos, and I think he probs would be against it. It was the MC having a beef against him and doing a stupid. Everyone else told them not to make a sound and leave lol

I agree with Iris… might just be the dudes going crazy on the fact that there’s a female main character lmao

It wouldve been cool if Neviro had a special interaction. But ig this main cast will become more relevant as the story progresses. Hope they get real fleshed out. Yes, even MC.

Thing is…we kinda had to kill Argos to stop the Order anyway, leaving wasn’t an option, unless you wanted to max level yourself just to make your life easier.
Hopefully we’ll see Shura’s comback, and Kai and Ulricus beating us to death, Ulricus might be another ridicously hard boss i presume, since Ellius + Carina combo (these are all just fan theories, we won’t know if Ulricus fights us yet.) will make for a fantastic boss fight.

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Oh yeah, since you mentioned you liked the lore doc, did you know that the co-writer of the lore (Techlevel80) once made two riddles that basically foreshadow future stuff in the story?

You could check them out if you really want some of that extra lore, though the threads are long and its mostly just people losing or lacking a brain cell to comprehend them lol (they were releaaed before AO came out so yeah)

my two braincells can’t comprehend that riddle :frcryin:

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Yeah, true, I put my own thoughts there back then, but I dont think Ill ever know if I was spot on or not. (I dont have the guts to ask him directly)

we’ll see in the future.

In 5 years.

hopefully i’ll finish making dark sea builds for all my files by then (this is going so slow, and my motivation’s draining rapidly :frcryin: )

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Make sure not to burn yourself out though! You dont have to do everything at once, we’ve got time


What is bro yapping about

fuck you mortal :smiley:
