Hello, i'm Mor

Hello, I’m Mortal_Gamer0, but you can also call me Devisk or Mor, along many other names.
I’ve got into the Arcane Games after one of my friends recommended it to me, and now i quite love the Vetex Games, i read the lore document like twice by now.
As a PVE Demon, my below average PVP skills stand out like a sore thumb, but i can deal with that, i mainly sink ships, do treasure charts, fish for sunken, and also do dark sea exploration.
As a proud owner of 10 files (soon to be 12 when i’ll get my motivation to finish 3 of them), my goal is to make them various builds themed and focused around a certain aspect of my characters, didn’t i forget to say that i am also a lore writer? my bad.

Other Goals Include:

1.Possibly creating a semi-serious friend clan.
2.Getting even more sunken.
3.Finally finish all Dark Sea-related builds for all my files, which might happen when Nimbus Sea releases.
4.Nimbus Sea Explorer.

Titles i own:
1.Bronze Sea Abolitionist :white_check_mark: (On Alt, used for 3 extra AO files.)
2.Bronze Sea Explorer :white_check_mark: (On Main)
3.Bronze Sea Diver :white_check_mark: (On Main)
4.True Captain :white_check_mark: (On Main)

I kinda have trust issues in-game whenever you talk with me, apologies when i’ll act rude unintentionally, it’s just how PVE life is.
Lastly, i have been surfing the forums for quite a while, so i kinda know the basics of what’s going on here, i made a account just now to finally talk here.
I guess that’s it, apologies if it’s very long and messy, force of habit as a lore writer, y’know.


Oh god, another Mortal.


You must surpass your predecessor, it’s not hard but it’s your mission

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stop flexing bitch

looks like your friend’s made an addict, glad you’re enjoying the game

Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!!

Well well well, if it is’nt another pve-player like myselfd :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum

I see that you are quite advanced in pve thingy, so i will give you some sites as a guide in the community.


vetex + discord = vetcord, main discord

Reminder for AO

A thread on forum where people keep track of Trello updates (site where vetex posts updates on the game development)



Well, its wiki

Random Build Generator

As pver myself, i make new files aaaall the time

What predecessor? do i not know about something?

Ironically i am the most addicted one, compared to my friends who play AO, but atleast i can guide them through the game :fr:


probably talking about @Mortal

I like to see people making sparks for drama themselves and then stay crying at their burned house, while blaming someone else. @ShadowJGaming @sock

Lore? Lore? Did I hear another lore lover? Welcome to the gang! I hope you enjoy your stay! :smiley:

(P.S, ask me if you have any questions, I love lore, and its dry recently-)

Hello and forgive the people who will pay attention to your nickname, they seem to have developed paranoia from being too much on the toxic side of the forum.

what are you talking about? i don’t know what’s going on here, and i am not sure if this is a joke or not.

Ignore those and answer my question:

Who’s your fave character in AO so far? :eyes:

i was just answering who they were probably talking about

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That’s a difficult question, but i’ll try to list all of them:
-General Argos:I mean…who wouldn’t like this guy? he’s a pretty fair boss compared to everyone else, and i really like his spartan-esque design if you can call it that, it’s likely because i like greek mythology alot.

-Ruby Roger:I am not sure what to say here, but hopefully we’ll meet him again in the Nimbus Sea to search for the One Piece.

-Sir Gavin:That came out of nowhere, but let me just say it:Sir Gavin, back when i didn’t know treasure charting gave gigantic amounts of EXP…his quest allowed me to get the final levels to reach Ravenna.Truly a savior of all time.

-Architect Merlot:He’s quite the silly Fella, which i bullied with my friends, tried to solo him, but a gravy member helped a little i suppose.
Other Favorites Include:

1.King Calvus, his boss fight as a whole is well-designed when you learn how to parry.
2.Warren-I like his Design, not sure what else to say about him.
3.Edward Kenton, for his design and saving my boat from being turned into atoms by various dark sea dangers.
4.Prince Revon, for being a punching bag so i can express my anger after dying to Calvus more than 10+ times.
Let me know if i missed somebody i just mentioned from memory lol.

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There’s also Iris, Morden and Neviro, the first two will be coming with us to Nimbus Sea. What do you make of them? :thinking:

Also, this forum somehow has an obsession with Edward Kenton the Quartermaster. Theres Enizor too ig.

I kinda don’t like people simping for Iris, there isn’t much to simp for Iris, unless Nimbus Sea adds something fantastic to Iris’s story, then i don’t see a point in this, don’t even get me started on Church of Iris.
Morden just exists, leaves us out for milk, and then tells us to beat a General Solo, never change Morden.
Neviro…hmmmmmm…oh right, his lore’s quite tragic, but i can’t recall what happened in Neviro’s Journal, something about Darkness Curse Inheritance, and probably more.
I Once tried to check if Neviro has a special interaction when you reach Akursius Keep while he’s aboard on your ship, would’ve been funny if there was a easter egg dialogue for him.
was kinda neutral with Enizor, until in the Dark Sea update when he had a possible upgrade, and so he became my favorite due to similar reasons as to why Kenton is my favorite.
