Hello there!

My application got approved, so now you all have to deal with me!! :3 (in all seriousness hello everyone i am just very excited)

I wanted to post my submissions over here since I’m proud of em. They’re all basically just my AO oc in Situations!

The urge to draw more is strong. Must conserve energy for Artfight tho


Welcome new artist :sparkles::+1:


heya, congrats on getting in and welcome you have nice art :smile:

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one of us!

one of us!

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RAAHH I love it :]

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Hii!! glad to have made it here :3

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eeee thank you!! humans aren’t my strong suit so I’m glad you like em!

at last!! and ty!

aha, thank you so much!! everyone here has been so kind :3

I love your colouring and shading, and congrats on Artist role

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welcome lol

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thank you!! it’s my favourite part of doing digital stuff :3

hello!! and ty!

Woah, hello New Artist! :wave:

(Also, is your OC a dude, a girl, or neither? So I don’t accidentally misgender them.)

Hello hello!! Aleksander is a guy, and uses he/him pronouns :3
(ty for making sure btw!)

Congratulation into getting to the artist group here!

I also love the treasure hunt art, it feel majestic and capture that adventure feel

tysm!! aaaa everyone is really nice <3
And thank you! I had a lot of fun with that one!