Helloooo, I am a pvp junkie (introduction, nothing serious)

Yoo, my name is Vikki and I have relapsed into AO from AA which I spent an awful amount of time on when I was younger. Nothing much has changed, nowadays I spend an awful amount of time on AO mostly doing pvp!

I’ve never really been active on forums but I thought that I might as well throw my opinions around here and there. I like helping people and I’ve sunk a good half a thousand hours into AO :slight_smile:

Nice to meet u all!


Welcome to the forums :clap:

Welcome to the club!

Pov: Least mentally insane AO player

Thanks tho :3

Tyty :stuck_out_tongue:

1 Like

er player kills

am i tweaking or are you in house of yoh

I am

Finally bro someone to fight