Hellos i am waterisnotdrink i am an ice mage

my mage slot is named cody water and i use ice and snow magic

i used to be a regular of the WoM wiki under the name Ashpeecuc and i am a part-timer on the arcane odyssey wiki and now i have also come to the forums cuz yes

my character doesnt have a suitable description.

im not very good at pvp so i mostly explore but i havent been on arcane odyssey much


Hey man, welcome to the forums
Answee this for me

How much can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck?

approximately 700 pounds (317.515 kilograms)

me confuse

ngl this is the only picture i have of cody waters but i took this ss like back in og WoM and i had to look it up too cause idk how to ss on my new computer ;-;
Screenshot 2024-03-20 3.38.47 PM

have you tried windows shift s

I shall try it

Welcome to the forum man

What is a wood chuck?

winter oracle, foreseer of frost

Welcome to the forums. The Ice Gang will be pleased to have a new member.

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Fellow ice enjoyer, welcome!