I’ve got a lot of charts right now and they’re worth one level each even if you’re above level 100, your file just needs to be 3+ hours. We’ll go through with the smallest island first and make our way to the biggest once all charts are done.
Finished helping the guy but I found something interesting about treasure charts:
Oh I cant but I just need the person to invite me into their party and pretty much let them dig randomly. I’ll be giving them a goldsight wooden shovel to make it faster too.
So far it worked in one of the members in the clan I’m in, jumping from 106 to 140 in half an hour.
Found out about something while helping the player rn, you can transfer ownership of existing charts as long as you’re in the same party. Not sure if it disappears if you disband but so far we’re still able to continue even if I crashed.
Gained 74 levels in 2.1 hours but could’ve been less when we found out that it doesn’t interrupt the digging xp as long as both of us have dug in the spot. Overall, the level support service seems to work fine and efficient with the stuff we found.