Hero/villian quest concept

Since the system is being revamped I’m putting down this idea
You get a message in your inbox from “A potential friend” that says to meet him in an alley if you want to discuss opportunities. If you go to the alleyway marked, you will see a hooded guy called Varnes and if you talk to him, he’ll ask what’s your opinion on dark wizards, and you have a choice of saying they should be arrested or that you think that the hate is overexaggerated. If you choose the first option he says, "Not if you knew how much money you could make. " After you go past this dialogue or choose the second option he says “What if I told you could join them and become more powerful than the magic council themselves? I may not be a wizard, but I have some… associates.” If you say yes, then he gives you a quest to assassinate a high ranking member of the magic council. If you don’t two bandits with daggers show up behind you along with two bandits with bows. Varnes will say “Unfortunetly, you’ll get in the way of the plan otherwise. You aren’t leaving this alleyway alive.” He’ll then pull out two schimatars and attack



this would be interesting, but uh, the Magic Council and interactive npcs are getting removed

That’s just being mugged

False, you’ll still be able to interact with npcs like normal, and maybe receive a hint of the storyline along the way. What’s being removed are randomized NPC’s spawning in towns not having something specific to say, but instead something random. Also, the NPC’s randomly walking around with no use other than quests and world-building. In my opinion, it was a nice feature, but performance wise it’s not worth it. Especially since it’s not essential

You have committed the unforgivable sin of making a suggestion. Prepare to be exterminated!

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I meant immersive npcs cause I forgot the word but yea

Still false lmao, immersive NPC’s are staying, just the random walking/storytelling/quest giving, etc. are being removed. This is since there is no real practical use for this feature other than worldbuilding, which, as I said, highly affects performance for low-end PCs.

That, and I personally found it annoying when I wanted to enchant my items but couldn’t because all the npcs went to sleep, forcing me to wait a while before I could get the next chance to do what I wanted.

cool and all but theres no magic council in AO and ideas arent being accepted, as suggestion category is closed

No more suggestions!!! They are ILLEGAL!!!

Dude this was in august and was like my first post

NO MORE SUGGESTIONS!!! THEY ARE lLLEGAL :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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