Hey (apology)

so uhh
its me

most of yall will remember me from a post about creating a better wiki. i tried to talk about my opinion on the idea, but i ended up acting more like a shitstain and got carried away. im sorry if i offended any of yall.

as for my future activity, i wont be staying here as much as i do in the wiki. i might come occasionally to post a random chapter of my oc lore or to ask for recommendations for it.

so yeah
bye :wave:

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I have no idea who you are so I have no beef if you so uh apology accepted

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don’t apologise to people, actively worsen yourself at every opportunity, that’s how you gain REAL respect, it’s what big society doesn’t want you to know, trust me, i’m an alpha


if i unleashed my inner alpha, i wouldve burnt forums and the wiki to the ground :pensive:

Don’t let other people ruin your day be a man ruin it yourself


Mind unleashing your inner alpha on the redd*t

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we, or at least i, weren’t even trying to offend you. i was trying to get my point across that fandom as a company is shit and we should move away from it

i got no clue who you are but you gave a nice and meaningful apology so dw about it

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idk how to react, since i haven’t really seen any superduperbad things fandom has done bc frankly idc but I’ll probably look into it if i don’t forget to

I do not remember anything specific about you, but it would be nice to have more cruel and plotting figures around :blush:

Less moral atrocity more corporate greed ruining the integrity of the website

who are you buddy :sob::pray: