Hey guys it's taitc you might be noticing something's different

i mean you just admitted you committed homocide

Yeah and it’s funny

underwent surgery
it’s no longer a problem

first of all, i’m not dead.

second of all,


I’ll be there at 12

Ill prepare some tea for u :smiley:

I’ll bring some rice and maybe cookies for dessert. See you there guys :wave:

Have only went under surgery for wisdom teeth

Can say it’s absolutely awful and I do not want to get surgery again

My brain still remembers where I got a needle injection for it too

surgery’s not bad if they put you to sleep for it, i had to do it for my arm once and didn’t feel a thing

Broken arm?

Either way i was asleep for the whole thing and felt awful afterwards
My sister was the same just much worse lol

no, i had a piece of glass stuck in it

Stop lying, general julian isn’t real.

I feel like some ao obsessed person in 2030 is gonna find the forums and accidentally stumble upon this post and I can’t wait for it to happen

if it does occur i will find them, track down their ip, gouge out their eyes then rip their chest open, consume their liver, squeeze all of the blood out of their still beating heart and then use their intestines alongside their skin, muscle, ground up bones, drained heart, hair and a random onion i have to make a haggis
if i’m gonna be a renowned scientist the last thing i’d want on my wikipedia page is that i once masqueraded as a catgirl that one time

Anyways archiving this

lmao good luck it’ll be too late by then

how do all you people have time to go find and break into people’s homes? I have things I got to do and I can’t bother to go cross-country or get a plane ticket just because someone made fun of me.

i have my methods.
not like i’d tell you.

okay :man_shrugging: